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Assisted Automation - Augmented Advice - Adaptive Intelligence

How We Can Help?

Risk Assessment and Evaluation

We conduct an assessment of the potential risk factors resulting from the interaction between people and Intelligent Adaptive Systems (IAS) and Smart Robots.

Our experienced Human Factor Automation and Artificial Intelligence experts will produce an assessment with recommendations of potential points of risks, and propose customized controls and test cases to reduce and manage risks of human and machine interaction in decision making. The risk assessment process will include:

  • Evaluation of the allocation of control and decision making functions between people and Intelligent Adaptive Systems. 
  • Interviews and review development design documents.
  • Evaluation of assumptions, decision making process flows and scenarios. 

Analisis y Evaluacion del Riesgo

Realizamos un analisis y evaluacion de los potenciales factores de riesgo que resultan de la interaccion entre las personas y los Sistemas Inteligentes Adaptativos (IAS) y los Robots Inteligentes.

Nuestros experimentados perienced Human Factor Automation and Artificial Intelligence experts will produce an assessment with recommendations of potential points of risks, and propose customized controls and test cases to reduce and manage risks of human and machine interaction in decision making. The risk assessment process will include:

  • La evaluacion de la asignacion de funciones de control y toma de decisiones entre las personas y los Sistemas Inteligentes Adaptativos. 
  • Entrevistas y revision de los documentos de disenos de desarrollo.
  • Evaluacion de las suposiciones,los flujos de procesos y los escenarios de toma de decisiones.

Risk Management

Human and Robotics Factors 

The human factor plays an important role on how companies manage their operational risk.

The interaction between humans and Smart Robots is a new risk management discipline that deals with the emerging risks  and develop sustainable business models that at the same time are profitable and improve the world.

The ability of Smart Robots to learn, optimize their behavior and make decisions without human supervision creates new potential risks from the following situations:

  • Humans and Smart Robots interacting in the decision making process.
  • Smart Robots making business decision without human supervision (unsupervised and semi-supervised learning). 

Smart Robots

From Automation to Adaptive Intelligence

The use of automation has evolved from the mechanical automation of repetitive functions to organizations using Intelligent Adaptive systems (IAS).

These Smart Robots are becoming integral part of the work place and our lives with applications ranging from air pilots and driverless cars to insurance agents  and financial robotadvisors.

In order to interact naturally with humans IAS have not only to adapt to changes in the environment, but also to automatically acquire and manage new information, to learn and even most important to optimize their behavior over time and make decisions.

Related Terms 

  • Intelligent Adaptive Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data
  • Smart Robots

Big Data

Volumes, Velocity and Value

To compete in the global era of digital communications companies need to analyze data in a matter of seconds. Big Data solutions are enabling companies to immediately see results about market conditions, customer profiles, revenues and exposures that historically took months or hours.

The use of parallel computing to process vast amount of structured and unstructured data have enabled organizations to deploy machine learning algorithms into complex business applications.

Four steps companies should take to harness the power of big data:

  1. Capture
  2. Analyze
  3. Visualize
  4. Use to transform the business model

Risk Management in the World of Artificial Intelligence 

Advancements in Big Data analytics, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and the commercialization of Artificial Intelligence applications are changing the way humans interact with a new generation of Intelligent Adaptive Systems (IAS) that can acquire skills, adapt to the enviroment and make independent decisions without human supervision.

Human Factors and Intelligent Adaptive Systems is an emerging risk management discipline that covers the human interaction with computer machines empowered by Artificial Intelligence and Big Data. 

Nowadays with the extensive use of AI and RPA, the interaction between Human Factors and IAS represent a greater threat to complex hazardous systems. How Human Factors can be taken into account in the Bowtie risk modeling ?
